Photo of a bar with a selection drinks on multiple shelves.

St Enoch

Here you can find information about St Enoch station, including it's address, nearby attractions, and facilities. Please note that some information may change day to day and it is advisable to check the SPT website for the most up to date details.


St Enoch Shopping Centre, Glasgow Central Station, Bike Hire


Not Available

Opening Hours

Monday - Saturday: 06:30 to 23:40

Sunday: 10:00 to 18:12

St Enoch map screenshot



Pub Address

40 Howard Street, Glasgow, G1 4EE

Recommended Alcoholic Drink

Whiskey Sour

A whiskey-based cocktail with lemon juice and simple syrup

Recommended Non-alcoholic Drink

Virgin Mojito

A refreshing mix of mint, lime, and soda water

Outer Circle

Previous Stop:

Buchanan Street

Next Stop:

Bridge Street

Inner Circle

Previous Stop:

Bridge Street

Next Stop:

Buchanan Street