Shields Road
Here you can find information about Shields Road station, including it's address, nearby attractions, and facilities. Please note that some information may change day to day and it is advisable to check the SPT website for the most up to date details.
- Nearby
Scotland Street School Museum
- Facilities
Park and Ride, Bike Rack
- Opening Hours
Monday - Saturday: 06:30 to 23:40
Sunday: 10:00 to 18:12

The Viceroy
Welcome to our family run vintage sports, entertainment bar & beer garden with world class street art
- Pub Address
22 Paisley Rd W, Glasgow, G51 1LB
- Pub Socials
- Recommended Alcoholic Drink
Mango Lassi Martini
A fusion cocktail with mango puree, yogurt, and vodka
- Recommended Non-alcoholic Drink
Mango Lassi
A traditional Indian yogurt-based drink with mango
Outer Circle
Previous Stop:
West StreetNext Stop:
Kinning ParkInner Circle
Previous Stop:
Kinning ParkNext Stop:
West Street