Kinning Park
Here you can find information about Kinning Park station, including it's address, nearby attractions, and facilities. Please note that some information may change day to day and it is advisable to check the SPT website for the most up to date details.
- Nearby
Grand Ole Opry, Glasgow Climbing Centre
- Facilities
Not Available
- Opening Hours
Monday - Saturday: 06:30 to 23:40
Sunday: 10:00 to 18:12

The Bellrock
The Bellrock is a traditional pub in the heart of Kinning Park, Glasgow. We offer a wide range of drinks and food, and we have a pool table and darts board for you to enjoy. We also have a beer garden for you to relax in during the summer months. We are a dog-friendly pub, so feel free to bring your furry friends along with you. We also have a function room available for hire, so if you have a special event coming up, get in touch with us to find out more.
- Pub Address
4-6 Cornwall St, Street, Glasgow, G41 1AQ
- Pub Socials
- Recommended Alcoholic Drink
Belhaven Best
A smooth Scottish ale
- Recommended Non-alcoholic Drink
Apple Juice
A simple and refreshing option
Outer Circle
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Shields RoadNext Stop:
CessnockInner Circle
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CessnockNext Stop:
Shields Road