Here you can find information about Kelvinhall station, including it's address, nearby attractions, and facilities. Please note that some information may change day to day and it is advisable to check the SPT website for the most up to date details.
- Nearby
Kelvingrove Museum, Kelvin Hall
- Facilities
Not Available
- Opening Hours
Monday - Saturday: 06:30 to 23:40
Sunday: 10:00 to 18:12

The Three Judges
The Three Judges is the best place for a drink in the heart of Glasgow's West End, offering everything from real ale to cider. Our passionate and knowledgeable staff are always on hand to guide you through our selection and make it a night to remember.
- Pub Website
- https://www.facebook.com/ThreeJudges
- Pub Address
141 Dumbarton Rd, Glasgow, G11 6PR
- Pub Socials
- Recommended Alcoholic Drink
Old Fashioned
A classic cocktail made with whiskey, sugar, and bitters
- Recommended Non-alcoholic Drink
A simple and refreshing choice