Here you can find information about Ibrox station, including it's address, nearby attractions, and facilities. Please note that some information may change day to day and it is advisable to check the SPT website for the most up to date details.
- Nearby
Ibrox Stadium, Bellahouston Park
- Facilities
Not Available
- Opening Hours
Monday - Saturday: 06:30 to 23:40
Sunday: 10:00 to 18:12

Tall Cranes
Home of Govan Emerald C.S.C & James Connolly R.F.B. (Glasgow) No.1 Celtic Bar in Govan
- Pub Address
Govan, Glasgow, G51 3TB
- Pub Socials
- Recommended Alcoholic Drink
Scottish Mule
A variation of the Moscow Mule using Scotch whisky
- Recommended Non-alcoholic Drink
Cranberry Sparkler
Cranberry juice mixed with soda water